Cross-cultural awareness: bridging Norway and Ukraine

  • Zoom
  • 13.04.2021
  • 09:00 - 11:30

Learn about Norwegian and Ukrainian business culture with a focus on the ICT sector!

In this seminar, Darja Smite, Professor of Software Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, will engage the participants in a highly interactive session focusing on the cultural peculiarities of Norwegian and Ukrainian managers and engineers working in software companies. The seminar will start with an insight into the theoretical base that helps to characterize differences in behavior of people with different national backgrounds, and soon after dive into a number of daily work situations and the differences in the likely behavior of the employees from Norway and Ukraine. Participants will not only receive explanations for the behavioral differences but also receive recommendations that will help to navigate through the differences and avoid potential misunderstandings in their cross-cultural collaborations.

N.B. The event will only be available for NUCC members.