October 1, 2019

New Trade Guide for Norwegian Importers is out!

NUCC in cooperation with UkrAgroConsult has developed a new Trade Guide for Norwegians who are planning to import agricultural products from Ukraine. The guide includes analysis of the following areas:

Grain market

Oilseed market

Honey market

Tomato paste market

Nuts market

Muesli (flakes) market

Yeast market

Vegetable, fruits, berries

Pellets market

Pet food


The guide includes helpful information on the economic situation in Ukraine, which has remained relatively stable in the last three years. The positive developments include the following:

– gradual growth in incomes of people;
– a decrease in the shadow economy’s share by at least 3%;
– Ukraine has retained positive trends in shaping the business climate;

In 2018, Ukraine’s real GDP gained 3.3%, to UAH 3558.7 Bl.

The greatest contributors to GDP growth are tax payments, trade and the processing industry, which account for some 40% of GDP. Agriculture is traditionally the fourth biggest contributor to GDP. Throughout 2012-2018, the share of agriculture in the GDP structure was mostly on the rise: 7.8% of GDP in 2012, 10% in 2014, and 11.7% in 2016. The portion of agricultural products was just 10.2% in 2017 and 12.4% already in 2018.

To receive the Guide electronically, please reach out to us via post@nucc.no and we will send it to you free of charge.

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