August 24, 2014

NUCC congratulates Ukraine with its 23rd Independence Day

Norwegian – Ukrainian chamber of commerce congratulates  the people of Ukraine on the 23rd anniversary of the independence of Ukraine.

Formations of uniformed soldiers and policemen led the parade, goose-stepping down Kreschatik, whilst the national anthem and cries of “Glory to Ukraine” blared out from speakers surrounding the square.

Ukraine hasn’t held a military parade for independnece since 2009.

In an impassioned speech, Poroshenko spoke of the importance of remaining strong in the face of external aggression from Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine:

“Never before in 23 years, was a day as glorious as today. Never before were people as sincere as today, waving Ukrainian flags from every window and from every balcony — despite the hardship that our country is currently undergoing.”

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