GreenBringer sitt samarbeid med ukrainske IT-utviklere startet i 2016. Mitt navn er Trond Fjørtoft. Jeg er gründer og grunnleggeren av KortreistVed. Om GreenBringer: Vi har utviklet en digital plattform for analoge bransjer og alle lokale produsenter, for å unngå et …

We are so proud to announce the winner of the Innovation Sprint: Speedfriending by Nordic Vagabonds. Speedfriending is a concept that started in 2018, where the overarching goal was to connect people who feel isolated. Through events, social gatherings and online …

Our new interactive brochure has been launched! We invite everyone to take a look at it and find out more about us, our projects and our members: What do we work with? Who can join NUCC and what do our members …

Although these challenging times NUCC keeps working and supporting our members. Both Norway and Ukraine in line with other countries responded to the spread of COVID-19. Below you will find a short overview of the most important government’s response that …